We Need Cash! | April 23, 2003 |
We need cash in order to get everything working such as the chat room, forum and to also get the store going. If you donate (must be over 5$ each donation) you will be added onto the supporters list and will go up in rank with every donation unti you hav some access to admin files (maps, gravity, ect.) Thank You! | |
[XHS]Chaos | |
Updates! | April 22, 2003 |
We have made some updates, most links should work now but some may not. Also, if anybody knows anybody that works makng bumper stickers, mugs, shirts, shorts (all clothes), duffle bags, or hats/caps/beanies please ask them if they would mind making some items for us at a discount, if they agree please have them email me. | |
[XHS]Chaos | |
New Design! | April 22, 2003 |
We have finally gotten rid of that boring design we used to have! What do you guys think about this one? Hit Me Up with an answer! | |
[XHS]Chaos | |
Servers Up! | April 22, 2003 |
The server has been remade and is now up! Although it may be down for a few minor changes. Practice will resume as soon as we can get everybody back together! The new IP address is The server will be running 24/7. Thanks Kaboom! | |
[XHS]Chaos | |
We're Back! | April 20, 2003 |
The server was down most of the last few months but hopefully now that we got it fixed, it won't happen again. | |
[XHS]Chaos | |
©opyright 2002-2003 ~ [XHS] =A TFC Clan= |